NYC Stress – Relief Through Tonic Herbs
(Edited and updated from 2016) After living in New York City for several years, I was chronically exhausted and overstimulated. That legendary NYC stress was running me into the ground. In my recovery time at home – between spurts running around the city – I’d peruse the internet, scanning for nuggets of interest. In particular, […]
The Pros and Cons of Visionary Leadership
It was the hundredth time I’d heard her say it: “I’m starting my college and doing international speaking engagements. Then I’ll have my own TV channel and leadership conference. Oh, and I’ll be doing world tours every year with my band…” This friend was several decades older than me. And had no real business success […]
Coaching Results: What Can You Expect?
Seriously. Why does anyone need coaching? Does coaching really get results for people? If yes, what kind of results does it get? How does it all work exactly? Before studying coaching myself, I had no clue about any of the above. If anything, I had the suspicion that coaching is for weak, self-indulgent navel-gazers. Having […]
The Visionary Gift – Creator as Engineer and Architect?
Having a visionary gift doesn’t always give you the most straightforward path to walk. I took a test on Facebook a couple of years ago. It was a silly, time-killing test. The topic was, “Which career should you really be in?” I’d already seen a friend’s result, which was “journalist/writer.” And I thought — “Oh […]
15 Ways to Stop Overstimulation and Anxiety
If you’re urgently wondering how to stop overstimulation and the anxiety that comes with it, let me comfort you. You’re not alone! In fact, this was me circa 2013: “Can’t… stop… googling….” I numbly said to my Brooklyn roommates as they laughed out loud. Despite the levity in the air, make no mistake. My words […]
5 Big Yoga Benefits for Older Basketball Players
Ever wonder if there might be special yoga benefits for older basketball players – say, ages 35 and up? Well, so did a 45-year-old named Travis. “It’s too late for me to make the NBA now,” said Travis wryly. He was chatting with his 17-year-old nephew Chris about their shared love for basketball. And he’d […]
Your Higher Power: The Secret to Long-term Success
The need for a living relationship with my Higher Power has stood out to me with startling clarity this past week. I’m on a personal retreat in Santa Fe right now, contemplating my life in general. I’ve undertaken a variety of meditations and other practices, including qigong & long walks around the city. About a […]
Exfoliating Turkish Bath Mitt: My Story of Crazy Peeling!
How I discovered the little-known exfoliating Turkish bath mitt is a tale I’m fond of… When visiting Istanbul, Turkey 12 years ago, I entered a hamam, or Turkish bath, on the Asian side of the Bosphorus strait. And it was there that I encountered an entirely new dimension of exfoliation, unknown to me from my […]
Music for Celebration and Contemplation: Tracks I Recommend to Evolve your Range of Feeling
Many people, nowadays, describe their music tastes as “eclectic”. And I’m the same way. However…. there’s a common theme I’ve identified in the music I like most. And the theme is “celebrate and sustain.” I Like Music that Celebrates and Sustains This music helps me celebrate life, from a deep place. Or it helps me […]
Deep Stress Relief: One Easy Exercise You Can Do Anywhere
After a few years of living in New York City, I embarked on a desperate mission to find some deep stress relief for myself. The story of how I discovered the simple technique of shaking follows below. As well as tips for how to combine shaking, very simply, with other modalities. In Search of […]